Monday, June 30, 2008

Spital Permai...

Hey MR. Bloggie!!!

Back to SCHOOL mode!!'ve forgotten most of my psych is my first day at permai's a hospital specifically built for people who have psychiatric's a huge compound...haven't got the chance to explore the place...basically i'll spend another 6 more weeks before completing psych rotation :)...

today i was posted to klinik permai aka methadone's where patients with heroin (opioid) problems come and seek treatment...basically what they do is go there to take methadone (it's in syrup colour) as a substitution therapy...methadone is an opioid but it is a wonder drug...people can actually function nearly as normal as they could before becoming a heroin addict...and with its long half life, patients dont have to take it too regularly like heroin to avoid withdrawal right??once daily :) kalo heroin mau 4 jam skali kene amik :P (so tak ke power ubat nih?? hehehe)

aku rasa amat lah rugi kepada mereka yg mengambil dadah...mmg benar doctor shouldn't judge i'm not going to judge...aku cume nak menyatakan pendapat aku saje...dadah membawa padah...ramai yg hilang byk mende sbb dadah...hilang kesihatan tubuh badan, wang ringgit, keluarga, kerjaya dan macam2 lagi...haih...sian2...ade patient aku ari nih, mude lagi, anak sorang dah kene hep C...smua sbb kongsi jarum punya pasal...haih...entah la...sbb itu lah jgn gatal2 nak cube2...x de paedah!!! life is short and we only get one chance to live in this world, so tuhan kasi akal pikiran, pk lah :) gi klinik nih aku dah dpt insight la cane dadah can affect life...

nih gambar2 yg aku amik ari nih :) (bunga ros tuh kat laman umah aku...lawa giler aku rasa)

padli bdk yg berazam nak jadi rajin
kenyang makan nasi goreng cendawan yg sedap
isnin malam-9.10pm-30/6/08


afyan said...

siyes mantap kamera ko padli!

Mohd Naguib bin Mohd Yunos said...

Salam Padli,
Jelita mana pula yang disebelah ko tuh. aku rabun sket. hehehe

Anonymous said...

WaH! kamera ko mmg gaya gaya gaya!..
x sabar nak posing depan kamera ko nih..bile tue padlee?