Monday, June 30, 2008

Spital Permai...

Hey MR. Bloggie!!!

Back to SCHOOL mode!!'ve forgotten most of my psych is my first day at permai's a hospital specifically built for people who have psychiatric's a huge compound...haven't got the chance to explore the place...basically i'll spend another 6 more weeks before completing psych rotation :)...

today i was posted to klinik permai aka methadone's where patients with heroin (opioid) problems come and seek treatment...basically what they do is go there to take methadone (it's in syrup colour) as a substitution therapy...methadone is an opioid but it is a wonder drug...people can actually function nearly as normal as they could before becoming a heroin addict...and with its long half life, patients dont have to take it too regularly like heroin to avoid withdrawal right??once daily :) kalo heroin mau 4 jam skali kene amik :P (so tak ke power ubat nih?? hehehe)

aku rasa amat lah rugi kepada mereka yg mengambil dadah...mmg benar doctor shouldn't judge i'm not going to judge...aku cume nak menyatakan pendapat aku saje...dadah membawa padah...ramai yg hilang byk mende sbb dadah...hilang kesihatan tubuh badan, wang ringgit, keluarga, kerjaya dan macam2 lagi...haih...sian2...ade patient aku ari nih, mude lagi, anak sorang dah kene hep C...smua sbb kongsi jarum punya pasal...haih...entah la...sbb itu lah jgn gatal2 nak cube2...x de paedah!!! life is short and we only get one chance to live in this world, so tuhan kasi akal pikiran, pk lah :) gi klinik nih aku dah dpt insight la cane dadah can affect life...

nih gambar2 yg aku amik ari nih :) (bunga ros tuh kat laman umah aku...lawa giler aku rasa)

padli bdk yg berazam nak jadi rajin
kenyang makan nasi goreng cendawan yg sedap
isnin malam-9.10pm-30/6/08

Saturday, June 28, 2008

finally :)

hey mr. bloggie!!

finally i've bought the camera!!the one that i really tuh sebagai smangat utk terus belaja :) hehehe...kasi lepas 4th year n next year bleh gi jenjalan!! probably tomorrow will go to nora's place n swim at her apartment pool n try the new camera!!! so happy :)...before got back home, went to nora's family home at bbu to visit her sick mom...she is so thin...hopefully she'll get better :)ate so much tonight at her house...

so here are some of the pics taken before i charged the battery...not bad la this camera...olympus 1030 SW (the sad face (after spending so much money on this cam-edited version) and at home holding the casing...

padli budak yg super kenyang sambil berkemban
perut kenyang nak mandi pon malas
sabtu malam-28/6-10.30pm

Friday, June 27, 2008

MR. BEK is BACK!! happy...dah siap repair dah motor aku...smalam anta (smalam aku letih sgt sampai x tulis pape dlm blog nih)n smalam jugalah aku gi wat kunci spare kate...kene charge rm 52.50...supposedly go out with hawa at night...sorry hawa...malas dah keletihan...motor kene charge rm 80!!darn!!duit ari nih plan nak gi jusco tebrau...beli camera :)kalo aku berjaya mengeluarkan duit ler...hehehe

tuh jer la kot...malas la plak nak tulis pape...ahahahaha...

mohamad nurfadli senin
sabtu pagi...kul 1045 pagi-28/6

Thursday, June 26, 2008


FINALLY!!aku dah sampai umah jb...baru sampai 10 minit...terasa best plak...perjalanan dlm bus td ok ler...apparently i dont move a lot while in sleep causing me body aches jer sbb tdo on the same side for too long...i cant blame my body for that...the body just follows its owner's attitude-->lazy...YES...i'm a damn lazy laziness would kill me someday i guess :)luckily dr kadir was on the same bus and apparently he lives at jalan kemuncak 2, so we took the same cab back home and he paid for the fair :P (jimat rm 10 aku...ahahahaha)...owh td mak ngan abah tunggu sampai aku naik bus kat pudu...ahahaha...aku dah besar!!(ok this is a random statement...i know...but i think i'm growing too fast...if only i could be a kid forever)

hurm...y am i still awake??i think i want to do few stuff first and may be wait for subuh prayer...i've been thinking about so many things and there are a lot of things that i want to i guess i have to do one thing at a time...enjoy every little thing that i do...write as much as i can in this as much as i can...cry whenever i think it's necessary...cherish the good people around more tolerant...control my explosive and destructive anger...and the list goes on :)

i think that's about it...i better start doing my gp assignment...yes i's been like ages since i started the essay...but that's just me...a slacker :)

padli budak yg cube jadi rajin
jumaat pagi -3.10 am-27/6/08


waa...time really flies...few more hours before i get into a bus heading to jb...this time i think i should be more focus...i know it's sound impossible given the circumstances that i have attention deficit disorder, but i should try harder...i think i've had the most wonderful holiday for this year (apart from the right shoulder and left leg pain...i think i'm alright) still haven't bought the bus ticket...gamble jer la kot...just go to pudu at 930 and try to get mara liner bus to jb at 11 pm...hopefully i'll reach jb soundly...have to take cab to get to nong chik...can't believe that i actually miss the place a bit...the only thing that's bothering me is the pile (is the spelling correct??i'm using my home pc, it doesn't have oxford dictionary like my personal laptop) of works that need to be done as i get there :)...but i guess it's all for good reasons...happy going back to jb home padli...

padli is heading back to jb
gonna miss bangi
thursday-720 pm-26/6

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

last night...

tonight might be my last night at bangi...most probably will buy bus ticket to jb tomorrow heart is telling me to stay longer at home but i know i can't...i have to get back to jb and get my motorbike fix before the new semester starts :)

i do realise that my english is not that good...but now it has turned from bad to worse...hurm...i think i just want to give up with my english...i've learned it since i was in a kindergarten!!!but asal kan bleh cakap, bleh paham...ok ler...tak betul pon tak pe kot :)

just now went to alamanda with long and ayad to watch 'get smart' was a cool and funny movie...the guy was quite hilarious...but the only thing about the movie was the climax wasn't really there for me...but overall aku rasa tak rugi le tgk...ajis ade skali td tgk wayang :)...long belanja :)

tuh jer la kot my crap for today...still doing my gp essay...ahahaha...i am super duper slow!!

padli anak senin
rabu, 11 malam, 26/6

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


nothing to do...nothing to worry about...listening to good music...chillin and relaxin...i heart home...i heart mak...i heart abah...i heart long (walaupon pagi td baru sound dia :P)...i heart ayad (walaupon baru jer td sakat dia)...i heart andak...i heart adik...i heart myself...difficult and dysfunctional guy

malam nih plan nak gi tgk movie 'get smart' ngan long n ayad...ajis join skali...ahahaha...nak kasi dia buku yg aku dah fotostet 10 bijik...aku balik ESOK!!!owh jb, aku tak merindui chill la sepuas puas ati nye kat bangi nih...lantak le keje2 umah yg bertimbun

padli makan byk time dok umah
rabu pagi-kul 10-25/6/08

Monday, June 23, 2008


suddenly feel like emo-ing...put these cute pics here :)

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ok finished emo-ing...
selasa pagi di rumah bangi


nih quate2 yg ada kat video clip near to you (by a fine Frenzy) made by one of her fans i guess

"no matter what i do, i always forget to forget you"..."so lonely"...your memories keep me hanging on"..."i love you so bad it hurts"..."you're a loser, but i love you"..."y wont u love me like i love u"..."i love you :)"..."i love you, you i idiot"..."true love never die"..."may be i'm not over him...but then again, may be i dont want to be"..." a girl and guy can be just friends. but at one point they will fall for each other. may be temporarily. may be at the wrong time. may be too late. or may be forever"..."it's tough, but i'm trying to get used to it, hope you're doing fine too"..."i want to be the only hand you ever need to hold"..."i will always love you"..."LOVE"..."when i have nothing to do, i think of you"..."i miss you"..."i miss your smile, i miss your kisses, i miss your voice, i miss your silly jokes, i miss your touch...i miss you"..."late at night when all the world is sleeping...i stay up and think of you...and i wish on a star...that somewhere you are...thinking of me too...cuz i'm dreaming of you tonight"..."just wait...someday you will want me back but i wont be waiting for you"

tuh jer la kot...aku bukannye tgh bercinta ke baru putus cinta aku rasa lagu minah nih ok la...xde la super best, tp sbb aku baru kenal kan, aku search2 la lagu2 dia...not bad

selasa subuh-6.12 am-24/6


hey bloggie...i just wanna write a few things...cant write for long simply because i'm at home...home means not boring...can do a lot of things while at home :P (terutamanya tido...blh tido byk kali kat umah :P)

- saturday and sunday-->spent 2 days and 1 night at janda baik.a super duper awesome place owns by uncle sabri...the place is called aman rimba...aman la gak...tanah seluas 3 ekar...besar tptnye...mmg terserlah la kekayaan dia...peluang tuk go tpt nih pon sbb kawan aku carissa...dia tuh kire anak angkat family tuh tuh ramai anak kaya overall mmg best...supposedly lebih ramai yg dtg, tp ade hal tinggal carissa shams ngan aku...kat janda baik tuh shams terkehel bahu la plak...dislocated shoulder...berenang nak lawan aku...ahahaha...berenang melawan arus...aku alhamdulillah tak de pape...sudahnye bawak shams ker hospital tawakal...smuanye ok

- monday-->anta andak ke unity kolej...dia nak wat persediaan ke bandung indonesia.nak wat medic gak :) dia dok kat palm spring apartment kot...aku pon dah lupe2 nama tempat dia tuh...agak jauh gak ler apartment ngan college...kene naik bus ke unity college...the good thing is the college is just behind pejabat bleh ler makan lunch ngan abah ari2 :)

aku masih lagi rasa super penat...kepenatan yg x sudah2...letih dan letih...baru anta buku photostate :)lusa amik

padli budak yg keletihan

isnin-23/6-830 pm

Friday, June 20, 2008


hey 2nd nite at home aka bangi...reached home at 12 last night :)

nothing extraordinary happened today...went to tabung haji in the attempt to withdraw my money to buy a new camera...unfortunately it was unsuccessful mom was right...i was being stubborn...ahahaha...since the account is under her ic number, she's the only one who could withdraw the 1st she didnt allow me to withdraw the money, but i told her that i might have SLE like doctor asked me to check for lupus antibodies due to recurrent tongue and mouth's so painful sometimes...people are so amazed that i still could talk with such bad ulcer...super becok aka murai aku nih kan...ahahaha...owh back to the story...i told my mum i might have lupus, and i might die soon so i want to take as many pictures as i can for she can always remember me even after i die...initially she was quite annoyed la...she said org sihat pon mati...kalo abg ngah sakit makan ubat la (my mum is the only person who call me abg ngah (the rest call me abg li...including me :P) ...then i said "ye la...kena makan steroid...dah la abg li ni ade osteopenia (it's true man!!i've done dexa L4 ke L5 yg kurang bone density)...nanti sakit kidneys...have to go dialysis...and the list goes on...ahahaha...and then my mum pon kasi la jugak buku account sama jer cam tak bagi, sbb aku x leh nak kuar kan pon!!!buat kene gelak ngan mak aku jer...harapan palsu betul la mak aku nih...ahahaha (actually i am really scared of having autoimmune disease (it's one of the worst diseases to have...n i dont want to be on steroid for long...too many side effects)

so tonight we had family dinner at pizza hut kat mom want to treat us before andak daftar kat unity college...i think now she is quite hesitant to become a doctor...ahahaha...sbb tgk abg dia struggle giler sampai botak2 pale...then we went to serdang to visit nenek...she hasnt been well lately...abah brought his doctor to see my granny...she got pneumonia...she is super fragile...i'm scared of getting old...scared of no one would take care of me :(...wak mi td emotional skit sbb dia cakap dia bleh jaga nenek ngan baik skali, tp dia tak tau sape yang bleh jaga dia nanti...apparently she doesnt put high hope on her children...hurm...entah la...sedih aku tgk kehidupan dia...susah jer...dr dulu sampai la skang...dulu masa kecik2 aku slalu dok umah dia...pagi2 tlg jual kuah...n now she is still selling nasi lemak for living...anak2 dia??entah aku x tau whether they help dia atau x...wak ramli (wak mi's husband) doesn't look so well fact, i think his condition is worsening...he got some liver problem. at first i thought it was liver CA, but now it may be due to some infection...he's had few surgeries before...may be la...i dont know...the thing about government hospital doctors is they sometimes dont tell the patient of their sampai skang aku x tau wak aku tuh sakit ape...malignancy ker or chronic infection...sigh*....kesimpulannye nanti dah jadi docotr, byk la tanggung jawab aku kat sedara mara aku...cuak2...

ok sudah ngantuk...esok mau gi janda bersama rakan2 uni...tute mate aku :)

padli budak bangi
jumaat malam-20/6-1148pm

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


this is the latest agnes monica's it

Tertutup sudah pintu, pintu hatiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Ku harus relakanmu walau aku tak mau

(Chorus 1)
Berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergeming menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi

(Chorus 2)
Dengarlah matahariku, suara tangisanku
Ku bersedih karna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukkan waktu

spent rm 300 yesterday...bought a spare car key (lost the key at kota tinggi waterfall...saved by my favourite heroin carrisa yap) and also ate at the japanese restaurant (rm 20) and bought a new t-shirt at city plaza(went there with yus)...did the eating and shopping to elevate my mood...this is definitely an expensive way of trying to get my mood back to normal (in psych i would call this maladaptive response as i am perpetually broke... should've figured out something else i.e. something that doesnt involve money)...last day of osce...damn osce!!u make my life so's hard to say i dont care, because i do too much and it put me under unnecessary stress...will go back home's time to take a break from jb...bangi is where i want to be...bangi is where the heart belongs to...

padli under unnecessary stress
thursday morning-19/6/08-8.05 am

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Setiap saat indah yg telah dilalui bersama seseorang tidak selalunya berkekalan (nothing in this world last forever)...bile engkau rasa bahagia ketika sesuatu masa, walau hanya sesaat, pastikan engkau benar-benar merasainya...dan apabila saat itu berakhir, jangan ditangisi dan tidak perlu diratapi...ini adalah kitaran masa...masa akan terus berjalan kehadapan dan tidak pernah berhenti...samaskali ia tidak akan mengudurkan tapaknya walau sedetik...ia akan terus menapak langkah kehadapan tanpa menunggu sesiapa...apa yang telah berlaku, seharusnya menjadi KENANGAN dan lebih bermanfaat jika ia menjadi PENGAJARAN...

jangan lah bersedih...seseungguhnya kesedihan mu tidak dapat merubah apa yang telah berlaku...berhentilah mengenang pada KENANGAN, sesungguhnya ia tidak akan terjadi semula...setiap apa yg berlaku kini dan di masa hadapan merupakan sesuatu yang baru...tempuhilah ia dengan hati yang terbuka dan sentiasa redha dengan apa yang telah berlaku...biarkan KENANGAN tinggal KENANGAN...simpanlah ia didalam kotak memori jauh di sudut hati...bukalah ia jika ia membawa kegembiraan...hari tak selalunya cerah, hidup tak selalunya bahagia...harus selalu perbaiki diri...

mohamad nurfadli senin
rakyat malaysia, 24 tahun
rabu-18 jun 2008-700 am


Dear Mr. Bloggie,

I am so disappointed with myself today...i always knew that i wasn't a smart student, but i didn't expect to be this STUPID!!!Of all the 12 OSCE stations, i think i've failed 10 of them!!! How bloggie??how??how am i goin to pass 4th year??damn...not only i couldn't come up with diagnoses, i couldn't spell right (like 30 seconds were wasted to spell diaphragm!!) wonder i've never got A for my english (kalo eje pon tak reti, grammar lagi la tak betul!!)...i have to pass 4th year!!i dont care!!have to figure out ways to improve my skills!!...must PRACTICE

padli...SUPER disappointed
post osce stress disorder
tuesday-17/6/08-3.35 pm

Monday, June 16, 2008

cirit aka diarrhoea

adeh...sakit giler perut aku pagi td...aku bangun b4 kul 5 pagi dlm keadaan perutku yg super sakit lagi memeritkan...cane nak describe ha...(padan la patient pon susah nak describe derang nye pain...i think it's dull aching and colicky was so painful that i shed tears to put up with the excruciating torture...luckily my bedroom is attached to the need to go far...kire guling2 pon bleh sampai...n yg best skali nasub baik ler aku ade bucket itam tadah air...bleh aku letak kpale aku sambil menahan ngan tangan aku...lepak lama gak le dlm toilet...super sengsara...sampai la skang nih sakit td main badminton...mmg x fit xde mood la nak tulis pape malam nih...later la...aku sengsara skang nih...bauu smalam tuh dah x de pagi tadi...pelik mmg2 pelik...

smalam byk giler mende best yg aku kawin sharna n bbq...gentleman's night :) tp later2 la aku tulis

adeh sakit perut...esok ade osce...arap x wat hal la perut aku

padli sakit perut
monday-8.05 pm-16/6/08

Saturday, June 14, 2008

what is that smell???

omg!!! i cant sleep!! that smell...what is that smell??i woke from my sleep berbaukan bau pelik (a very very fishy smell)...thoughts were running through my mind (as a medical student i think it's normal to have hypochondriasis...shit...i thought i had some naso-cancer!!) and as i rationalise (cancer aka C.A.-the term that doctors usually use- wont be this's more of insidious onset...and what the crap??there's no presentation as such...naso-CA kalo ade pon loss of smell bukannye dpt symptom bleh smell peculiar stuff...unless if i had olfactory hallucination which suggest other i'm starting to doubt my capability to be a doctor!! ahaha) i thought it might be my room!! (yes my room is like a pig stall...ahahaha (ok la to look good in this blog, a pig stall is just an exaggeration!!)...i cant function when my room is tidy...i like my room to be messy as messy as my mind...i like the adventure and thrill of trying to find something early in the morning when the ward round is about to start in 10 minutes :P...and every time i take more that 5 minutes to find something or when i am really late and cant seem to find the thing, i promise myself to clean my room...but after i find the thing, it feels like the brain releases so much endorphine and i'll go into euphoric state...such an accomplishment :P....

ok ok merepek lagi...back to the story...bau nih pelik nak mampus, sampai aku bangun check satu umah...n bau sama...sampai aku bangun lipat baju dlm bakul...what the crap kan??...aku ingat bilik aku dah berubah bau...ahahaha...pastuh housemates aku yg lain bangun dr tdo nak subuh, cakap mende yg skang aku dah benti lipat kain ( perak cakap
--wat keje sambang--eh ye ker??aku pon x sure...ahahaha...sometimes it's hard to know because i think my parents have their own language...ahahaha...)

argh...aku ngantuk giler nih...smalam blk tgk cite hulk abis kul 1 lebih, sampai umah kul 2 pagi...berjaya beli hadiah utk sharna...the movie wasnt so 'incredible'...simply because i am not a big fan of the character, tp aku tak rasa membazir tgk (meaning the story is not bad at all)...the chick in that movie is so pretty!!owh..her voice super nice too...i love summer many movies nak kuar...hehehe...tuh jer la kot..otak dah weng...aku x sangka aku weng begitu skali sampai aku gi basuh bed sheet aku!!ngantuk2...tak cukup tido...aku kene start baca buku nih...later...

padli budak yg sgt ngantuk
sunday morning-15/6/08-7 am

the selfish heart

at school right now...just finished practicing osce with my tutemates... while waiting for the rest to finish, i want to write something here...just now, as i drove my way to skul, i saw a makcik walking up the hill (jalan yg dr yasin nak nuju ke hospital)...dia cam tercungap2 and looked very tired...and all i did was glanced at her...i wanted to give her a lift but i didnt know y i didnt stop...may be that time, there was a car behind me so i couldnt suddenly stop my car at the side 9but still, this is just an excuse) i continued driving with a guilty heart until i reached the skul and decided to turn back and try to find the makcik...the effort was in vain...i couldnt find her... even after i drove further down the road...there was no sign of her...obviouly i'm not a kind-hearted person but there are times when i feel like doing something good to people...and now i am left with regret...should've helped that makcik...entah la, ari nih emosi tak bape stabil

so tonight, the ultimate plan is not to eat dinner ( 2)...will go to jusco tebrau to find a pressie for sharna...tomorrow is her wedding day :) after that will join the boys and watch incredible hulk...not very keen to watch this movie though...but really cant be bothered to stay at's a late night i guess i'll wake up late tomorrow...ok la bloggie...time to go...

padli budak rasa bersalah

Friday, June 13, 2008

pagi sabtu yg indah...

aku bangun pagi nih dgn perasaan yg berat skali...simply because i was too lazy to study...ahahaha...forced myself to get off from the bed and smayang subuh...then basuh baju n start baca gynae stuff...pastuh terasa sangap giler...dah terhangguk2 baca buku sbb ngantuk...ape lagi aku pon mengorak langkah menuju ke tilam aku yg super best n start baca sambil menyirap atas tilam...pon tersengguk-sengguk gak...tak leh jadi nih, kene abis kan baca, then aku decide nak mandi...baru jer isi air dlm 'bucket' aku (bilik aku x de shower...huhuhu...ade kene la tadah dalam tong!!ahahaha...) che mi ym aku...kata bapak am (cik taha kot nama dia) dah dtg nak potong rumput...ape lagi, aku terpakse aa kuar kan, tunjuk muke...pastuh time tuh mrs. muru pon ade skali kat depan tuh, ajak aku trim pokok2 kat laman umah...aku pon stay la kat situ...aku ngan baju tido aku pon lepak aa kat luar (since i just did my laundry aku malas nak salin baju baru...ahahaha...yg kat ampaian tuh my clothes le...byk gile kain pelekat (ade 4)...i am a kain pelekat lover:))...sambil2 menolong ape yg patut...since petang nih ade discussion osce, kire pagi nih dah kire exercise ler :P...smalam berjaya x makan pape!! yeay!!fadli is back on his diet!!(yus kata aku ade body dysmorphic disorder!!)

so kat atas tuh gambar2 aku tgh nyibuk2 mengemas laman la konon nye..pajero tuh kete penan, myvi itam tuh aku nye :P...besar laman umah sewa aku puas ati le...but still...i thought we didnt have to pay him!! tp kene bayar gak!!darn...duit tabung umah dah nak abis!!! ahahaha...time to mandi...dah start miang2...

padli budak dok kat jb
no 18, jalan kemuncak 4, taman nong chik
80100 jb (aku rasa alamat nih x bape betul...ahahaha..barai2)
sat morn'-14/6-10.30 am

Thursday, June 12, 2008

xtvt ari jumaat

abis discussion aku gi layan amik gambar ngan budak2 yg ade kat lecture td...xde keje :p...aku pakai baju melayu nih, ade jugak la makhluk2 yg kata aku pakai scrubs...(patut amik scrubs yg betul2 nye masa masuk ot or time wat ong dulu le)pakai scrubs ok lagi...ade yg kata aku pakai PYJAMAS!! ahahaha...nak kene pakai ngan sampin skali kot baru nampak cam baju melayu :P

plan nak men badminton x jadi, apparently dewan yg kami nak pakai tuh x dah start susun meja utk majlis aku end up upload pics kat dlm mr. bloggie :)

monash jb

gambar2 monash uni yg aku amik pas abis discussion ngan paul...proud to be monash student :) (aku lupe nak amik gambar lecture theater...len kali la kot aku letak...)...kecik jer monash jb nih...budak2 clinical jer yg ada...preclinical kat main campus sunway :) ni loker aku...625...pastuh yg kat counter tuh aku ngan neehad...counter library

mohamad nurfadli senin



goodbye to wont see me again...take a good care of yourself...will miss you...

friday morn-9 am

the heart...

the heart is so keep it save...keep it secure...guard it...protect it...preserve it...

plan ari nih:
- gi skul attend soklan smalamnya discussion
- makan nasik lauk ikan keli (super mengidam ikan keli!! disebabkan tuk ngan opah aku mendidik aku memakan ikan keli dr kecik and sampai jadi my favourite fish...dlm jawa--> iwak keli (aku rasa le...byk dah lupe bahasa jawa nih!!balik nih nak kene menuntut lagi nih)
- gi smayang jumaat
- main badminton ngan budak2 nih, start 2.30 pm!! (budak umah aku:aku, din, penan (che mi aku x tau dia nak main ke x...patut ajak dia la...sbb odd number skang nih)...budak umah jln dato menteri (abe, shahid, ajis, jehe(baru beli raket smalam...tuh yg smangat nak gi main nih...tgh2 ari perak kate 'hangat pijor'...yus mungkin x main kot...i wish i could write y he wont be playing tp nanti dia bunuh aku plak :P)so in total ade 7 org...since aku yg last confirm, aku x de pair...x pe la kot, bawak jer buku, bleh baca2 kat dlm dewan tuh nanti :)
- abis main gi mandi mande and jaga library...sbb ari nih ari jumaat, duty start kul 6...
- cube utk wat satu perenggan nye essay nih mmg nak pain in the ass

tuh jer la...kembali ber cong cing cong cing (i.e. learn chinese....ahahaha...xue hua yu)

padli yi xue sheng
xingqiwu...13/6/2008-7.30 am


thanks yana for the mertabak :) kenyang giler...bile masanye la aku nak start diet aku nih...adeh!!!


baru balik jenjalan sama yana...tgk umah baru dia...pekse td cam haram jer aku rasa...ahahaha...susah gak gp nye soklan...peads nye soklan mmg x yah cakap ler...mmg totally and psych not so bad seperti waktu2 yg terdahulu...abis xm sure BLANK nye x tau dah nak wat ape...idup nih cam utk xm, kalo xm dah abis, x tau nak wat td duh baru paper...osce minggu depan plak...

malam nih duty library!! MALAS nye...malas nak jaga library la plak skang nih...kul 8 sampai 10...esok kul 6 sampai tiap2 minggu aku nye library duty on thurdays and fridays...ok la gak, dtg library dapat le rm 5 sejam...not bad kan :)

sabtu nih kawan skolah menengah aku nak kawin...tapi kat batu gajah perak...jauh tuh utk aku just travel nak gi kawin dia...and since aku ade osce next teusday and thursday, i need to prepare la...mungkin nak kene practice ngan tute mates yg lain...osce nih mmg cam berlakon jer dpn examiners...sbb tuh kene practice kan...arap2 simulated patients kali nih best2 and can act well...nampak cam real patients skit...ala...nak gi kawin aza...huhuhu...cane nih...aza...maafkan aku...giler rindu nak jumpe ko...after amik result spm x nah x pe ade rezki kite jumpe lain kali...aku doa kan ko bahagia sampai ke akhir hayat bersama bakal suami ko...

aku ari nih mmg sengal...4 jam xm...otak aku mmg x leh nak pk pape...nak tulis pon x tau conclusion...aku BLANK

padli budak sengal
kamis senja-12/6/08-650pm

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


the time has come to fight...use all the weapons that u got...try ur best k :)

all the best
padli budak medic 4th year
kamis pagi yg indah-12/6/08-6.50am