Friday, May 30, 2008

Girls night out and i'm home!!!

plast night was SUPER awesome!!! 5 people went out for karaoke!! karaoke kat 'jamban' (bak kata gg :P)...all five (4 girls plus 1 guy) were in one small room sitting very close to each other and singing songs like no one cares...apparently i have the worst voice (it shouldn't be a surprise as i don't even like my own voice :P my voice= funny sound= weird...) it was my worst performance ever!!!'s quite different singing with the girls than singing with my guy friends... it's like no inhibition and i didnt really care how did i sound :P...dont have to act macho or wat will be uploaded later after i take it from shimot...

skang nih aku kat bangi...the most super duper cool place!!!this is definitely my sanctuary...reached home at about 12pm today...tumpang yana balik skali ngan syimot...i was so tired today that i just fell fast asleep soon after i put my head on a house is as sepah as hurricane just hit my mom n dad have a new plan..they want to waste their money to renovate the house which i really think very unnecessary...why waste money...the outcome will be the same...umah still akan sepah and they actually dont have a proper plan...nak pecah ini, tampal itu...and tara...dah siap!!ahahaha...x pe la kan ni kan umah depa...biar ler...but my gut says their plan wont turn out good...they may make more damage :P

tetiba aku terasa yg malaysia should focus more on preserving kecantikannye...people do so much damage to this country...nih smua nak keja pembangunan...i dont really mind smua pembangunan nih, tp b4 doing this, kerajaan patut la persiapkan mentality rakyat2nye...kasi rakyat lebih berkesedaran civic...baru la best nak wat pembangunan...kasi mantap kan dulu sistem pentadbiran, pembentunagan, pengurusan sumber (tak kire la sumber asli ke tak) kesihatan, pembelajaran, kebudayaan, kerohanian dah kejadah2 yg lain tuh...nih sibuk nak kejar pembangunan mende2 yg asas x dijaga ngan betul...erm y did i suddenly go into this adult talk??ahahaha..x sesuai...back to work la kan...sekian saje mr. bloggie....

owh before i forget...the reason y i went back home today is to celebrate my kid sister's bday tp skang nih aku berdua jer ngan adik laki aku kat lain gi kenduri...kek pon masih kat peti sejuk x potong lagi...adeh...wat letih aku balik jer (benarnye xde la rasa nyesal balik,rindu giler dah kat umah :))...bapak aku la, cakap nak kuar makan sesama malam nih, tp byk plak program lain dia!!!anyway nih adik aku yg ke 4, dia pon nka wat medic gak...hohohoho...another dr in the family la kot...dia dpt wat foundation utk ke indonesia :)
all the best ye u so much :)

padli (sat-31/5-1019 pm)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


hopefully this song would keep my mr. bloggie back to work :) (thurs-10am-29/5)

malaysia...truly asia :)

hey hey...slamat pagi...baru jer siap kan satu part kat health assessment...pastuh rasa malas saje saje la dtg jenguk my mr. bloggie...nothing much to write anyway...just terasa nak letak sebijik gambar kat dlm nih...gambar aku ngan dua budak pompuan yg aku rapat...lain bangsa n lain agama...they are in my subgroup (marisa xde plak dlm gambar nih)...carissa, navena and me padli (i'm the ancient one!!! 24 years this october :p) tuh jer la kan mr bloggie...aku x suke satu jer pasal blog nih...waktu dia ikut wat negara mana ntah...aku pon tak tau

padli senin (thurs-29/5-8.07 am)

1st entry :)

hey mr. i decided to start blogging (convinced by my cyber fren-> padil)...since i've been feeling quite low for the past few days, i think this blog would be an excellent place for me to vent =)

this week is definitely a hectic week..with all the preparation made for today's presentation and a gp assignment which is due this friday!!...the presentation was about the multicultural health issues in malaysia plus aboriginal people in's a group work, combining 2 groups (E&F)...even though the preparation parts was quite distressing, we really had fun together...n today we pulled it off together and it ended up to be a great presentation...people were enjoying it, and hopefully they (anyway this blog is super spelling check!!my spelling is super bad!!) understood

by the way mr. bloggie...there's something bothering my's about relationship issue...the vicious cycle starts all over is definitely true what people say-->emotion defies logic!!! sampai bile kan nak dok layan perasaan la x de keje lain...ahahaha...aku rasa cam loser xpe la...anggap pengajaran idup jer =)...
baik le aku siapkan aku nye gp assingment, ingatkan nak wat cincai jer (since it's just a hurdle je), tp rasa x sedap ati plak, kang kene redo, dah kire 2 kali keje skang nih nak pk mende yg happy2 jer, n focus wat keje...

gambar tuh time kami wat bbq kat umah abe n the gang ahad lepas...bbq sempena ari jadi abe...aku manusia yg paling selekeh tuh...apparently aku telah menjadi makin selekeh...ahahaha...aku mmg pon selekeh, n selekeh is fun...x yah pk ape org kata, pakai jer ape nak pakai...budak2 nih mmg sempoi bunch of people...i like...friendship yg best la...
this would be one of the fond memories yg aku ade ngan depa nih...since kat clayton lagi, masa kat oz mmg depa la kawan tpt mintak tolong smua...n budak2 laki nih termasuk aku dok 1 hall...7 of us =)...k lah's time to do more work...focus focus :P

padli senin