Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the uncle and acute medicine lecture

today at PKK we had one chinese pakcik for our patient...he is 66 years old but looks younger than his age...the main complain was about his was associated with moderate sensation...he was worried about getting prostate cancer because his father die of prostate cancer at the age of addition, he came to take anticholesterol drug (he is on lovastatin)...he is very concern about his health and he even knows the word 'hypochondriasis'...for me, his life has been very wonderful and filled with bright colours...was a navy...went to UK to study navy stuff...then worked in a private company in a managing team after retiring from the navy...married with 3 daughters and a few grandchildren :)...he said, when he was a student, he wrote an entry in his journal everyday and it will be marked by his's not a bad thing after least it has helped him to think more and express the thoughts in words...i'll try to update this blog as frequent as i could :)...

ari nih ade lecture pasal acute medicine and to manage the's more of like an interactive session with Q's and A' surprised me that the juniors knew so much...they are totally a great bunch of people...and i realised how dumb i was at that time...there was one thing that happened during the lecture...some one answered a question and a few people laughed at the answer...i think it's very rude...i hope i wont become like that...i hope i'll stay humble (actually it's hard to act cocky because i dont know most of the stuff...) but i really really dont want to become like them...luckily they are not from my batch :)

gambar masa kat permai...had lots of fun there :)

padli budak yg kejenye x siap2
rabu malam 1045 27/8/08

Monday, August 25, 2008


morning bloggie...ari nih seperti ari2 minggu lepas...aku bangun ngan perasaan yg sgt malas...hopefully pas balik dr bangi nih, aku bleh rajin balik smula...kire recharge makan nasi berlaukan udang goreng kunyit yg aku masak smalam...skang nih aku asyik lapa jer...makan dan makan dan terus makan...hehehe...x de pape pon yg best...cume smalam aku ngan jengga plan nak gi egypt sesama...hehehe!! how exciting!! so the plan is egypt end of the year 2009!! regardless whether i pass my xm or not!!! hehehehe...skang nih rasa cam xm dah x de mende dah...amik je la...kalo fail repeat, kalo lepas niak year :)...tuh insignificant kan :)

k lah nak bersiap2 ke ward round peads

padli budak suke berak...
selasa pagi-810-26/8/08

Sunday, August 24, 2008


hohoho...dah seminggu berlalu...ari2 yg aku tempuhi berlalu dengan pantasnya...dah abis seminggu...aku tak tau ape yg aku wat...masa bagaikan di buang2 byk jer la masa nih kan...assignment still tak siap2...skang nih tgh tgk geng star final la plak...see...tak minggu nih aku happy la...biarla kan...biar la aku buang masa janji aku happy :)

minggu lepas jadi pengapit zubaidah kat pengapit sama yana...meriah gak la majlis dia :)

minggu kedua dlm paediatrics...byk jugak la yg aku blaja...ahahaha...i LOVE medicine!!! (it sounds so fake!! ahahaha) ok lah ari nih men badminton lagi...2 kali berturut turut ...sempena nak menyambut bulan ramdhan...ahahaha...agak la...sbb pasnih dah posa x tentu larat ker tak men lagi... k lah...aku pon dah lama tak letak gambar2 kat ari nih aku nak letak la :)

bak kata kawan aku...jadikanlah persahabatan itu satu kenangan yang terindah :)

padli budak botak :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


everything that i planned today didnt turn out to be way i wanted them to yoga yummy progress in gp assignment...n still hvnt finished pretest peads chapter 1...

1 unexpected incident happened tonight...jehe's car broke down at tampoi petronas station...(jehe, penan, abe and shahid went to putrajaya to ajis' sister's wedding...i didnt follow because tomorrow i wanted to go to zu's wedding) yeah, to make long story short, one of those guys called din to help them out...n din called che mi to help him find the way to tampoi (at that time che mi and i were at yus' place)...din said he was not familiar with the road and his telephone had no that time che mi and yus was about to go to jusco...i voluntarily offered myself to help...then i suddenly i realised...what the crap...they didnt even call me to ask for my help...they prefer din more...i think this is simply a jealousy...ahaha...then i got a bit annoyed...then i called din to give instruction how to get there (actually i wasn't really sure, but i guessed it wouldn't be much a problem...can read the sign board kan)...then after talking to din, he really didnt know how to get there...sigh* o had to follow him...we got lost before we could reach the pump station!!!

i didnt know why do i feel so annoyed when they called din instead of me, che mi or yus...dont get me wrong's not like those guys dont like din, but i think, i am closer to them...and should anything happen, i would like to be one of the first few people to this situation, i knew the news from che mi who got the news from din...feel like i'm so insignificant...

so i asked them...why didnt they call me...the answer was simple...because kat dlm kete penan ade din bleh bawak pajero penan akus till rasa kalo stakat nak pakai jumper tuh...aku bleh amik n bawak kete aku...bukannye kete aku x pakai bateri pon...

tp ape pon...mende nih and hal nih kecik jer...ahahaha...aku jer yg terasa...ape pon smua nye dah ok...alhamdulillah smua org slamat sampai :)

padli budak emo
sabtu malam...1145 pm...16/8/08

Friday, August 15, 2008


at this point of feels like there is a huge hole in my week of peads has feels like time flies so fast...there are so many things need to be done...a whole list of things to do are running in my head...

this morning i woke up feeling dizzy...felt like my head was spinning...langgar pintu toilet ngan bucket itam aku tuh...pagi makan nasi...tgh ari makan nasi...malam pon makan nasi..smua berlaukan ikan kembung asam pedas yg aku masak smalam...hehehe...smalam aku abis dlm rm 40 aa beli bahan mentah...kalo nka di kire2...jimat la gak...kalo makan kat luar actually lebih kurang sama jer...ahahaha...x pe la at least wat mende lain kan slain dr study :)

k lah nak asar :)

padli bdk kekenyangan
jumaat-15/8/08-610 pm

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


allo bloggie...aku dah tau ingat bape lama toilet akunye lampu dah terbakar mentol slama nih aku mandi dlm kegelapan!! ahahaha...xde aa...aku mandi x tutup x pe...the toilet is attached to the bedroom!! aku tutup la pintu bilik aku :P

the bad thing about lampu x nyala nih, aku susah la nak shave muke aku nih...susah nak clean the toilet as well...susah susah...n lagi susah bile org dtg...kene tutup pintu dan bergelap dlm toilet tuh...dah lebih sebulan kot aku rasa x de lampu...susah susah

ini la kisah toilet aku
padli bdk kekenyangan
rabu, 11 malam, 13/8/08

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

kawan kawan...

dulu aku ade beberape org kawan...derang dulu baik ngan aku...aku pon baik ngan derang...skang nih...entah ape kaba berite...dulu ade sorang kawan yg baik ngan aku...aku rasa skang kami dah berkawan mungkin sbb masalah yg telah timbul, kami dah tak macam dulu...aku nak kawan balik ngan dia, tp kengkadang aku rasa cam aku jer yg poyo2...dia lek jer...or kengkadang aku aku nampak moody and not very approachable la...x pe la...aku dah hilang ramai kawan...n kebanyakannye silap aku...skang nih mungkin dah terlambat kalo nak baiki lepas nih, kalo aku jumpe org yg bleh ngan aku, aku akan cube x nak jadi complicated sgt...moga persahabatan akan kekal :)

ari nih ari kedua aku kat peads...initially i felt uneasy la...too many kids!!kids cry alot!! gosh...i couldnt put up with that!!tp x pe la...kene cube gak suke peads!!it's like doing medicine... i'm so bad with medicine!! kene usaha lebih skit nih!!

padli budak kehilangan ramai kawan
selasa malam...12/8/08-9.20 pm

Sunday, August 10, 2008


sabar bloggie...saba...aku tgh wat cpr kat bloggie aku nih...sbb dah lama gile x tulis pape kan...hampir2 putus nyawa...kasi defib...karen kat dia jap...tunggu stable...wat iv line...masukan fluid...transfer icu...okeh...esok aku review :)

kepenatan main badminton....dah abis psych...mule2 happy, skang nih rasa sedih plak...gonna miss all the mentally-ill patients :)

tomorrow will start peads :) so looking forward for this rotation...super scary la tp...mainly because the final xm is coming soon :)

all the best padli senin :)

padli senin
budak bdr baru bangi
kepenatan...tido dah :)
isnin pagi :P...1220 am 11/8/08