Sunday, November 23, 2008

YEAR 4...

finally tomorrow will be the end of my 4th year in medical school for this year ( yeah...the chances of me repeating the year is super i dont put too much hope in it...)

i realised live is actually not that let say if i fail this year and have to repeat next year...and that's what?? just re do goes on n i'm still have to breathe...

the xm is really really clearly has proven to me that more effort need to put into this so called 'medicine' if i want to pass it...had a very severe fever + chill+ rigor!!! did poorly in osce :(

tu jer la kot...probably esok balik bangi

minggu2 yg aku telah byk membuang masa
aku seorang pembuang masa
padli senin si pembuang masa
ahad 23 nov 2008
11.14 malam

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

long time no write...

it's been a while...been slacking n wasting time most of the time...7 more days before the final exam and i dont think i'm totally confidence level is now down to :P...the main reason i decided to write in here because i missed this blog...i am the most inconsistent person i guess...kejap tulis kejap tak :P...hehehe...ok lah bloggie...miss u heaps!!! want to do some work...will write here more later...u take care...pray hard for the xm :)

padli budak ntah pape
rabu malam yg x productive-11pm-5/11/08