Tuesday, July 1, 2008


(skang nih tgh dok atas kusi ngadap meja n laptop sambil makan oat)

smalam aku oncall...so x tulis pape kat dlm nih sbb balik umah dah kul 1030 malam...tak leh tulis bebanyak kat sini sbb sat agi nak bersiap ke kelas...xde mende sgt pon mende yg berlaku smalam.case2 time oncall:

1-forensic case (dituduh menceroboh)
2-DKA (it's cool to see how the doctor stabalised the patient-->patient also has lung infection (heard crepitation both lungs) and acute on chronic renal failure
3-post-epilepsy with psychosis (the patient was calm at that time-->tab valium was given
4-aggressive behaviour-->schizo case

the doctor oncall was nice (she doesnt friendly though). she taught navena and I a lot (especially how to present a case :)

padli budak bujang
sakit perut nak buang air
rabu pagi -7.15 am-2/7

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