Thursday, June 5, 2008


aku call dia...walaupon seperti biasa aku tak cakap mende2 yg aku patut cakap, at least aku dah cakap...hopefully, after tonight, i'll be wiser and will be able to look at things in a bigger picture/ able to prioritise and be able to determine between the right and wrong ...i wish to live my life to the fullest and to appreciate my good health and the kind people around me...starting from now, i will count the 'successful days of my daily life' and each week i will reward myself (i.e. to sleep more than 10 hours!!!)...i'm going to learn mandrin back and will start doing my gp work tomorrow...things will get better for sure (it's time to be more optimistic!!)...n to u, if u r reading my blog now, i just want to thank you, u've done so much for me and u've put up with my crap all these's time for me to give u a break and i should start planing and organising my mr. bloggie, pas nih, kite akan bersama mengatur langkah, merancang kehidupan yg dpt memberikan kebahagian kepada kite :) kasi abis kan mbbs nih, n jd ho sama2 nuzul :)

idup ini tidak sukar...harus punya discipline dan kecekalan yg kuat...harus tahu kemana hendak dituju dan sentiasa minta tunjuk ajar dr meraka yg lebih mengetahui...

padli-friday morning-6/6/08-1.20 am


Padil said...

Hmm sapa lah insan yg have to put up with all things tu..

padli said...

erm bukan ko ko rasa cam tuh??? ahahaha...