Saturday, October 24, 2009

been long

hey mr. bloggie...

it's been so long since i last wrote in here
i dont really know where to for now i'm so tired after one unexpected mishap this late afternoon...joan came over to jb just to meet me...i showed her mistake was to enter the new immigration building...i thought there was a drop off zone...i was wrong...had to make a u turn but before i managed to do that, i had to walked back to the building just to ensure that i could make a u turn instead of being stuck in spore...

lot of things hv happened...i think i need to find a time to write them all :)

padli budak serabut
24 october 2009
1121 pm :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

series of unfortunate events...

sapu2 skit...bersih2 skit...buang2 nih dah cam ape je kan...

agak hampa ngan prestasi diri sendiri sejak akhir2 nih...dah 5th year...byk gile x tau...rasa cam down je ari2...pastuh nak di jadi kan cite...tepon aku plak ilang ari nih...kelmarin LCD dia pecah...aku gi angsana baiki...kene charge rm 80...smalam stethoscope aku nye diaphragm plak tercabut...ari nih hp aku plak ilang...betapa byk nye la cobaan saat2 akhir nih...

malas nak tulis byk2 sbb tgh xde mood...saba n redha je la :)

padli senin

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year??

hey hey...just read a few previous entries of my own piece of crap :P...n now i feel like writing something in here...since coming back from jb, hvnt been doing anything significant...the usually boring routine...hohohoho

ok nak tulis skit ape yg aku wat pas balik dr jb...on the day that we went back to kl, we managed to attend a couple of in palong n9 (penan's fren) n one in air molek melaka (gg's sis' wed)...yeah...we went to n9 1st then melaka was like going up and down and up again :P...since my parents n 2 siblings were on their holiday in langkawi, shaihd decided to stay at my place so we can attend aisyah's brother's wedding the following day...the next day we went to shah alam section 8 and then met tqor at masjid shah alam...pastuh gi sunway pyramid (my 2nd time!!!) n aku bershopping len gi tgk bolt 3d nye :P...pastuh malam tuh jumpe big joe n then malam tuh gak ajis n shahid tdo umah sambil ber pillow talk :P

seperti biasa sambutan tahun baru hambar...seperti tahun tahun yg sudah jinggo dgn baik ati nye dtg teman kan aku...hohoho...sian gak la dia, dia keje esoknye..aku x tau la plak :P pastuh smalam tlg2 wak mi wat kenduri arwah wak ramli...pidah pon dah x de pas nih, dok melaka :)...

new year resolutions?? hampeh jer...ari2 sama jer...tuh la...quoting from jengae 'new year is another new month'...crappy crap!!!dah tuh jer la...kosong sungguh pengisian di blog aku inih...ahahaha....x pe la...otak pon berkarat lg nih :P